Conducting clinical research across borders?
We promote international collaboration.

Associate member

The SCTO is an independent organisation and is based on a joint initiative of the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences.

As of 2017, the SCTO is a research infrastructure of national importance funded by the State Secretariat of Education, Research and Innovation and the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Patient and public involvement


 Fabienne Suero
+41 31 307 10 48

Patient and public involvement in clinical research

A partnership based on both mutual trust and transparent communication is what forms the foundation of a dialogue between researchers and those affected by research. The SCTO promotes this dialogue and advocates for the support and implementation of patient and public involvement (PPI) in academic clinical research.

What exactly is PPI?

Video is available in the following languages: ENFRDEIT

Patient and public involvement (PPI) in clinical research can be defined as research that is carried out with or by patients or members of the public instead of to, about, or for them. It means they are involved in a research project or initiative as equal partners, for example by:

  • working with research funding organisations to prioritise proposed research projects according to their relevance for those affected by the research
  • providing advice on a specific project as a member of a decision-making body
  • contributing to research information materials by providing feedback on them or helping develop them.

Our PPI Fact Sheet explains where and when PPI is possible and who should be involved. We prepared this fact sheet in close collaboration with the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Additional PPI guidance and templates as well as our SCTO Remuneration Policy for PPI Activities can be found in our PPI resources section.

What local and national PPI initiatives and projects currently exist in the field of academic clinical research?

As a first step toward answering this question, we worked together with our partner organisations (SAMS, SPHN, SAKK). Using an online survey, a multistakeholder working group identified and characterised a wide variety of PPI initiatives and projects. The results of this survey as well as information about other PPI initiatives and projects (as of October 2022) are available on our PPI mapping page.

Additional PPI-related information and links:

Reading and listening recommendations: